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While doing yoga or any other meditation exercises, you’ll hear the words “chakras” and “open your chakras” a lot. You may even be wondering, where are the chakras located.
It’s believed that chakras are responsible for the energy flow in your body, and they should always be open. If not, you may start feeling unwell either physically or spiritually.
Some questions need to be answered: what exactly are the chakras? And where are the chakras located in our bodies?
These are the questions we’re going to explain throughout the article, so you can know more about your body and get the maximum benefit from your meditation class.
What Are the Seven Chakras in Order and Where Are The Chakras Located?
The seven main chakras are believed to be located right in the middle of our body, down our spine. They start from the root and end at the crown, which is in the head. Each chakra is connected to different body parts and thus has various functions.
Where are the Chakras located? The seven main chakras in order from downwards are:
1. The Root Chakra
The Root Chakra, or the Muladhara, is in the spine’s base in the tailbone area, and it’s red. It develops in a human’s body from the age of one year to seven years.
This chakra is a representation of our foundation. Like the base, it provides us with a grounded feeling and a sense of stability and security.
When open, the Root Chakra makes us feel confident when facing challenges, feeling that our feet are standing firmly. It takes control of our survival materials such as food and money.
On the other hand, when the Root Chakra is blocked, we feel like the ground we’re standing on is shaky, so we feel insecure and in danger. A blocked Root Chakra can physically cause issues in the bladder or colon, constipation, or arthritis.
How to Unblock
You can unblock the Root Chakra by balancing poses such as Warrior One or the Tree Pose. Such balancing poses help you connect more to the foundation of your body.
2. The Sacral Chakra
The Svadhisthana, aka Sacral Chakra, is located right below the belly button and above the public bone. This chakra is orange. It develops around the ages of eight to 14. Moreover, it represents our sexual and creative energy.
An unblocked Sacral Chakra will give you a sense of control, as well as pleasure. It also helps you feel that relationship between yourself, your emotions, and other people’s emotions.
Emotionally, a blocked Sacral Chakra might reduce your feeling of self-worth and pleasure. Physically, it can cause issues like impotence, urinary tract infection, and aches in the lower back.
How to Unblock
To unblock the Sacral Chakra, you can try the Bridge Pose to make your pelvic floor stronger or the Pigeon Pose that helps open the hip. Some also recommend the Bound Angle Pose.
3. The Solar Plexus Chakra
It’s also known as the Manipura. This chakra is colored in yellow and located in the stomach area in the upper abdomen. It develops around the age of 15 to 21 years old.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is responsible for our self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence. Like the Sacral Chakra, an open Solar Plexus Chakra boosts your feeling of control, as well as your self-confidence.
However, when your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked, your self-esteem will drop, and you’ll feel more self-doubt and shame. It’ll also cause problems in the digestion system like indigestions, eating disorders, ulcers, and heartburn.
How to Unblock
As it’s in the stomach, unblocking the Solar Plexus Chakra requires poses that would strengthen your core and your abs. Thus, you can try the Triangle Pose or the Boat Pose.
4. The Heart Chakra
The Anahata, or the Heart Chakra, is located right above the heart, at the chest’s center. It’s colored green, and it develops between 21 to 28 years old. Some people consider it the link between the lower, materialistic chakras and the upper, spiritual chakras.
This chakra is responsible for our ability to love and feel compassion. When open, it allows us to love ourselves in addition to others and to accept others’ love for us.
When blocked, the Heart Chakra can cause serious problems. We won’t be able to connect with others, so we’ll feel lonely and insecure. We also won’t love ourselves, so we’ll always set our needs aside. Physical issues include asthma, heart diseases, and weight loss.
How to Unblock
Try out poses that can open your heart and chest to unblock the Heart Chakra. You can try the Camel Pose, the Wheel Pose, or the Cow Face Pose.
5. The Throat Chakra
As the name suggests, the Throat Chakra, aka the Vishuddha, is located right in the throat. It’s blue, and it develops when you’re 29 to 35 years old. It’s responsible for our ability to communicate verbally with others.
A healthy Throat Chakra will help you speak your truth and clearly express yourself and your personal power in front of everyone.
On the contrary, with a blocked Throat Chakra, you’ll have a hard time expressing what’s on your mind. You’ll also develop negative communication manners like interrupting people’s speech, gossiping, and not giving thought to what you’re saying. A blocked Throat Chakra can also cause problems in the mouth, teeth, gums, voice, and throat.
How to Unblock
To unblock your Throat Chakra, try out the Fish Pose or the Plow Pose that help open your throat from the back and the front.
6. The Third Eye Chakra
This is another suggestive name. The Ajna, or the Third Eye Chakra, is located between the eyes. Its color is indigo, and it develops between the ages of 36 to 42. The Third Eye Chakra is all about intuition and imagination.
The Third Eye Chakra will absorb information on a deeper level when it’s open. It’ll allow you to connect the dots and see the bigger picture in everything. You’ll be able to trust and follow your intuition.
Headaches, concentration problems, in addition to sight and hearing problems, are all possible physical results of a blocked Third Eye Chakra. Emotional effects include lack of intuition and feeling unable to listen to reality and real facts others attempt to communicate.
How to Unblock
Unblock your Third Eye Chakra by doing the Forward Fold Pose, Folded Eagle Pose, or the Child’s Pose. These poses work on connecting the upper part of the body with the lower part, thus opening up your Third Eye.
7. The Crown Chakra
Another name for the Crown Chakra is the Sahasrara. This chakra is located at the very top of the head. Its color is either violet or white. It develops when you’re around 43 to 49 years old.
The Crown Chakra represents the ability of a person to connect spiritually with oneself fully, others, and the universe. This is why it’s hard to open your Crown Chakra fully. However, if you succeed at it, you’ll have higher consciousness.
When your Crown Chakra is blocked, you’re more likely to be stubborn, skeptical, and narrow-minded. It would be best if you also kept in mind that the Crown Chakra is connected to all other chakras, and any blockage in it might affect other chakras.
How to Unblock
You can try the Corpse Pose to unblock the Crown Chakra. As easy as it seems, this pose helps you connect with your soul and make your Crown Chakra grow stronger. Some people also suggest trying the Head Stand Pose, which can enhance your balance, focus, and confidence.
What Blocks the Chakras?
A chakra blockage means that something is hindering its energy. This can be caused by different physical and spiritual reasons, such as:
- Major illness
- Excess waste
- Unhealthy diets and lack of exercise
- Lack of sleep
- Drugs
- Strict spirituality
- Physical abuse
- Emotional abuse
It’s also believed that our chakras can be blocked because of our karma and the wrong actions we take in life.
What Are the Origins of the Word “Chakra”?
The concept of chakras was introduced by ancient Indians who believed that humans have about five to seven chakras; people actually still disagree on the number of chakras. However, it’s most commonly believed that there are seven main chakras in the human body.
The word “chakra” in Sanskrit means a wheel or a disk. These disks refer to the energy points in our body. People believe they are spinning disks that align with each other and are connected to some organs, nerves, and energetic areas in our body.
All these organs, nerves, and energetic areas can affect our physical health and our psychological health. This is why we mentioned that the chakras should always be open, so as not to cause any disturbance in the body parts they’re connected to.
When practicing ancient meditation techniques, Indians would always focus on “unblocking” the chakras so that the person can feel better physically and emotionally.
The belief in chakras’ existence went on through the year and is still the base of many modern meditation techniques.
Chakras are energy centers that exist in our bodies and affect us emotionally and physically. It’s essential to do regular exercises to make sure they stay open and balanced. Knowing where are the chakras located, can be helpful in understanding the map of the mind-body connection.
Any blockage in one of the chakras can cause physical and emotional problems that affect the person’s way of life and personality. It’s important to mention that an overactive chakra can also negatively affect the person, overwhelming them with the traits it’s responsible for.
Stay healthy and follow the exercises we’ve mentioned. While exercising, you’ll find many recordings on Sonic Yogi to help you stay focused. Be careful, though, if you’re a yoga beginner; take things slow and start with the more straightforward exercises, or follow up with an instructor.
So, know you the answer to this question, where are your chakras located. May your chakras stay balanced, and may you remain happy!
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